Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Slowcooker Hawaiian BBQ Chicken

Before Chris and I started dating our date nights consisted of him coming to my apartment and me cooking dinner for him while we watched "The Office". Now in all the "heckticness" of school, work, and life, we spend a lot more time ordering take out than we would like. But back in the day when we cooked together we came up with a delicious pork chop recipe that both he and I (and a starving roommate) just loved!

Today while we were sitting watching "How I Met Your Mother" (our newest tv show of choice), we were trying to come up with something easy for dinner after a long weekend of beer and rockband, and we decided to try a slowcooker recipe. Thinking I had a pound of chicken tenderloins in the fridge I came up with the idea of Slowcooker Hawaiian BBQ Chicken....however (sigh) we used the chicken a couple nights before and I completely forgot! But thankfully we found a package of chicken tenderloins in the freezer that were about a year and a half old (CLUTCH!). This recipe took me all of 5 minutes to put together and boy was it delicious.

Slowcooker Hawaiian BBQ Chicken

1 Package Chicken approx. 1.25-1.75lb (You can use tenderloins or breasts)
1 Bottle of Your Favorite BBQ Sauce
1 Can Pineapple Rings
1 Green Pepper Diced
1 Onion Diced
1 Tbps. Garlic Salt
1/2 Cup Water
4 Servings Boiled White Rice

Throw all your ingredients in a slow cooker and let it simmer! On low 5-6 hours, on high 2.5-3 hours. 
Boil your rice and serve on top!

Although it is not the most aesthetically pleasing it sure pleases the palette. 

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