Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My Test Post / Brussell Sprouts

I am still getting used to this whole blog thing and it's definitely a lot harder than I thought it would be!

So for my first post I'm going to do a recipe that my boyfriend and I love as my "test post" and not do anything fancy. A simple idea we came up with combining ideas from a few different recipes **I also must give credit to my cousin because I stole the ham idea from her...Thanks Corrin!**

However delicious this recipe may be I realized after I started my blog, that none of my pictures are on my computer so for the first couple of posts I may have to use some iPhone photos...but don't fear fellow bloggers, I am ready to pull out my Cannon Rebel T3 the second the cookbook comes out!

Our recipe as we have come to call it are the "Bangin' Brussell Sprouts"...easy, healthy, & delicious.

Bangin' Brussell Sprouts

Fresh or Frozen Brussell Sprouts                              
Yellow or White Onion
Balsamic Vinegar
Olive Oil (or whatever oil you prefer)

This recipe is based mostly on preference and taste, not measurements, so the best way to know if you have it right is to taste test.

The prep for this recipe is virtually nothing. All you should do it dice your onions and ham to a size suitable for you. We recommend ham from a delicious Christmas dinner, but whatever you have on hand will work (you could virtually sub it for any meat and still have a delicious dinner). And steam your brussell sprouts until they are soft all the way through.

When the prep is done heat 2 tbsp. of olive oil in a pan. and throw in your onions and ham. Let the onions soften slightly but not cook all the way through. Once they are done throw in your brussell sprouts and top with balsamic vinegar. Sautee them to taste and once everything is soft and has soaked up the balsamic vinegar your recipe is ready to be enjoyed. We recommend trying them with your favorite sauvignon blanc!

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